Lubbock Personal Injury lawyer

Lubbock Personal Injury lawyer

Lubbock Personal Injury lawyer

Daily life threatens people in every corner. Fortunately, all these risks do not result in accidents or injuries. However, some do so, especially when negligent people make bad decisions. Careless drivers cause traffic accidents, business owners must maintain their characteristics properly, and employer trucks train drivers.

The injured must deal with mental distress by knowing their injuries can be stopped and physical discomfort that sometimes lives for life. In addition, negligent people and their families suffer from medical receipts, lost wages, and other economic losses, which cause a significant financial burden on the house. The Texas law deserves to seek compensation for those who suffer the loss of it.

A Lubbak personal injury lawyer can fight to help compensate for economic and non-economic losses related to his wounds.

Law of the limits for claims of personal injury to Lubbak
If you suffer injuries, you must file a lawsuit against the responsible party or in the last-date law. According to Texas law, most negligence and deliberate loss victims have been hurt for two years in taking legal measures. After the claim of unfair death, relatives seeking losses also have two years to take action from the date of losing their loved ones.

Although many personal injury claims are set up long before the trial, you still have to take steps before the end of the limits to maintain the right to practice. Not complying with the deadline means that you may lose compensation for your wounds. The Texas law represents some exceptions that give the authority to stop the deadline for personal injury proceedings.


It takes ten years to file a case against an architect or an engineer for the victims of the injured construction accidents if they were injured due to poor building design.

Defective product victims are 15 years old since they have been 15 years old since they purchased a lawsuit against the company responsible for their injuries.

Your Lubbac personal injury lawyers can review the facts of your case and determine the law of your limits and how long it is.

Stewart Jay Gos, injury crash lawyers handle most types of personal injury claims
When injured due to irresponsible and careless measures, the victims have the right to pay compensation. Stuart Jay Gos has experience, knowledge, and resources to help injured consumers in most accidents. However, we see some types of claims for accidental accidents compared to others, including:

Lubbock Personal Injury lawyer

According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), about 6,000 traffic accidents are found annually in Lubbock. Automobile accidents occur for several reasons, including engaging in driving, drunk driving, and sleeping. Disappointed and disabled drivers put people in the path at risk of dangerous and sometimes fatal accidents.

Injury crash lawyer Stewart J. Gosh's personal injury lawyer holds drivers who are negligent for their behavior and talk to insurance company representatives who want to avoid financial responsibility even when The head of his policy is responsible for it. Do not face economic distress other than the physical and emotional trauma of an accident that was not the cause.

Drunk driving accidents
It can be assumed that more drunk driving accidents are found in Lubbak because it is a Texas tech home. However, this number is relatively lower than in other cities in Texas. Every year, drunk accidents between 250 and 300 occur in Lombok. Drivers learn the dangers of drinking and driving before getting their driver's license but still choose to go behind the wheel after drinking alcohol.

Drivers' ability to place and time decide and prevent them from taking the information needed to operate their vehicles safely, causing dangerous accidents. We help victims of drunk driving accidents get justice for their wounds.

Truck accidents
According to the Texas Department of Transport (TXDOT), more than 40,000 truck accidents occur annually in Texas. As important centers of agriculture and state industry, heavy trucks are moving permanently inside and outside the area.

The size and weight of the truck make truck accidents the most mortal of all traffic accidents. The same size and weight often protect the drivers of severe injury trucks, while the victims suffer from soft injuries if the trucks escape the accident. Each year, unexpected and careless truck drivers and negligent truck companies contribute to truck accidents in Labbak.

When Stuart Jay Gos's personal injury lawyers cause injuries and death in their poor elections, they take negligent trucks and their employers towards the task.

Motorcycle accidents
The pleasant climate of Lubbak often engages the motorcycle. Motorcycle driving is especially famous in summer and autumn when the area is free from sandstorms and snow. Others use their motorcycle as their transport form. Although some cyclists are unsafe, most average controllers take more safety precautions. However, they face a major risk of accidents and injuries with each trip.

The god drivers who do not see motorcycles or drive their vehicles safely around motorcycles possess a greater risk. With little protection on the road, cyclists often suffer from injuries that threaten life when another vehicle collides with them.

Our legal team helps injured cyclists pay for the damage to negligent drivers who harm them.

Bicycle accidents
Children and adults enjoy riding in Lubbak as a fun hobby, but this is excellent exercise. In addition, like Texas Tech students, some lube residents also use bicycles as a transport format. However, cyclists are not alone on the way. They should be distributed with motorcycles, some of which should be addressed. Cyclists, especially young children, suffer serious injuries when a carefree driver collides with them.

If you or your child were injured in a lip back bicycle accident, Lubbock's personal injury lawyer Stewart J. Gos, an injury crash lawyer, can help you fight for compensation.

Ped-walking accidents
During the year, the traffic of pedestrians in Lubbock can be weighty. For example, thousands of people attend football games at Texas Tech. They go from their cars to the stadium to the nearest bars and restaurants. Pedestrians face accidents and injuries when drivers do not pay attention or are affected.

Pedestrian has a good opportunity to survive if a car collides with them while traveling slowly. However, even up to 20 miles per hour can cause serious and deadly injuries, especially in children. Motorcycles are legally responsible for driving safely around pedestrians, but some make bad decisions on the wheels.

Our Lubbock personal injury lawyer helps the victims of bicycle accidents seek justice, which they seek justice, after which they harm careless drivers.

Responsible accidents
Lubbock Business and Properties owners have a legal duty to maintain safe stores for an appointment. Owners must warn visitors about any threat that can harm them and take steps to resolve any known problem.

Unfortunately, some owners must maintain their property or warn others about the danger. Do not maintain security can cause various accidents and responsibility wounds. Sliding and autumn accidents are the most common type of local responsibility accidents, but visitors may suffer from another person's property in many cases.

Examples include:

  • Pool accidents/sinking
  • Heatical park accidents
  • Lift and mechanical accidents
  • Dog/dog attacks

The premises responsible for accidents often include housing owners or commercial insurance companies. Our team knows how to communicate with insurance companies and find a positive resolution for their case.

Unfair death
Unfortunately, some accidents cause fatal injuries, which force families to deal with the tragic and sudden damage of a loved one. Demanding the party responsible for death does not end the damage, but it can help remove some or all the economic burden families bear.

He could have the reasons for the unfair death claim if he lost a loved one because of deadly injuries related to negligence or deliberate damage. We understand families' challenges after the tragic loss, and we can help get compensation.

Search for damage after injury
Taking legal measures to recover the damage after injury due to negligence or deliberate loss can lead to a judicial agreement or award. Many statements do the same, but the accident and the injuries' details differ.

Persons of neglect usually receive compensation:

Medical treatment costs, including ambulance trips, emergency room treatment, hospitalization, radiographs, diagnostic tests, surgery, surveillance trips, medication, and hospital and transportation costs.

Future medical treatment costs are for those who suffer a permanent injury that requires constant attention, additional surgery, or placement in a long-term nursing care center.

  • Injuries lost to hospital and lost income due to recovery
  • Lost income for those who could not work due to permanent injury
  • Pain and discomfort
  • The decline in quality of life
  • The loss of consortium with a spouse

Our public personal injury lawyers can evaluate their injuries and advise you on what your claim is involved.

Let a lip-back personal injury lawyer fight for you
If you or someone who loves is injured in Lubbak or its surroundings, discuss your case with an admission expert to determine the best way to pay for your injuries.

The legal team of the injury crash lawyer, Stewart J. Gos, has been known at the national level for more than 20 years to protect the rights of the injured victims. If an accident injured him in Lubbak, call our office now for a free consultation. Since we take all our matters of personal injuries based on emergency rates, we should only be less than a penny if we win your case.

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