18 Wheeler Accident Attorneys

18 Wheeler Accident Attorneys

18 Wheeler Accident Attorneys

If you have been the victim of an 18-wheeler accident, the personal injury attorneys at Manly Law can help you make things right again.

More than 90,000 people are injured in 18-wheeler collisions each year, and every 16 minutes, someone is killed or injured in a truck accident. Over the past ten years, fatal truck accidents have risen while the trucking industry continues to demand relaxed safety standards. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in an 18-wheeler accident, call one of the nation's leading truck accident attorneys today at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys for a free case evaluation.

Our law office is committed to assisting victims of truck accidents of all stripes, including those involving commercial 18-wheelers. We've spent years fighting trucking companies like you and winning cases for truck accident victims. We have the experience and resources to take on these companies and want to work for you. The consultation is free; we only charge if we win your case.

What should I do after an 18-wheeler accident?

First and foremost, hire an experienced 18-wheeler attorney as soon as possible after an accident. Fighting the big trucking companies is something you will need experience for. These companies have vast resources, with teams of lawyers and experts more than ready to fight any lawsuit that comes their way. Having a truck injury lawyer by your side gives you the peace of mind to help you get back on your feet.

An adept truck accident lawyer will gather the proof required to support your claim, bargain with the insurance provider on your behalf, represent your interests in court, and make sure you receive the settlement you are due.

But there are steps you can take to help protect your future truck accident claim after an 18-wheeler accident:

At the scene of an accident, stay calm and stay in your vehicle unless you need to get out for safety reasons.

Record all names, addresses, and phone numbers of all parties involved, especially witnesses. Also, write down the names and badge numbers of the police officers investigating the accident.

Take photos and videos of the scene, including vehicles and casualties. Be sure to check with the truck driver's employer.

Get medical attention, even if you don't think you were injured at the time of the accident. Injuries often only appear hours or days after the accident.

Notify your insurance company immediately after the accident so the claim process can begin. When talking to your insurance company, stick to the facts of the case and don't admit fault.

Other than the police and your insurance agent, don't talk about the accident. You do not need to state anyone other than the police and your insurance company.

What should I do in the days after an 18-wheeler accident?

Here's what truck accident victims should do after an 18-wheeler accident:

Ask the police for a copy of the accident report. Do the same with a property damage assessment from your insurance company. This will help your truck accident attorney better estimate the value of your claim.

  • Keep records of all visits with doctors and health care providers. Write down any symptoms, diagnoses, or pain. Get copies of all test results, medications, treatments, and other medical care.
  • Make a list of all the expenses you incurred while injured or because of your semi truck accident.
  • Keep a record of missed work or other activities in which your injuries prevented you from participating.
  • Only talk to the other party's insurance company after first talking to your 18-wheeler accident attorney. Remember, you don't need to talk to anyone about the accident except your lawyer, the police, and your insurance company.
  • Whatever you do, please don't accept any settlement offer until you speak with one of our experienced truck accident attorneys.

How much compensation can I receive for my semi-truck accident claim?

Scranton Personal Injury Attorney Eighteen-wheeler accidents usually result in serious injuries that can take a long time to recover. A truck accident victim's financial losses include huge medical bills, lost wages, emotional trauma, and possible funeral expenses.

For a successful injury claim, you may be awarded both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages refer to any financial loss that you have accumulated after the accident. This includes, but is not limited to, medical expenses, lost wages and earning capacity, funeral expenses, and property damage.

Non-economic damages are intended to compensate you for any non-pecuniary loss. These are more subjective and include pain and suffering, emotional distress, mental distress, and loss of happiness or consortium.

Unfortunately, insurance will rarely cover all of these costs, so your best step is to speak with an 18-wheeler accident attorney to find out what your best legal options are going forward. have been.

Why do I need to hire a truck accident lawyer?

One Room Personal Injury Lawyers If you or a loved one was in an 18-wheeler collision, you may know that you did nothing wrong, confident that your injuries and the costs caused by accident are clear. Yes, and you ask why he would do that. It would be best if you had a lawyer to represent you.

A truck accident is not the same as a car accident. Often, 18-wheeler accidents can result in serious injuries that can take months or years to heal. And while car accidents only involve you and the other driver, truck accidents can involve multiple parties.

Here are some other reasons why a truck injury attorney is beneficial for your truck accident claim.

Trucking companies regularly deny liability

Since thousands of truck accidents occur each year, trucking companies are well aware of the best strategies to avoid liability and costs related to accidents caused by the drivers of their 18-wheelers. Most trucking companies will have a representative at the scene of the accident within hours or minutes and begin gathering evidence to reduce any claim you may have against them.

Our truck accident attorneys have decades of experience and are highly regarded truck accident law firms nationwide. Our attorneys have won numerous settlements and verdicts against 18-wheeler trucking companies. When you retain one of our trucking attorneys, trucking companies know they are up against the nation's best and most experienced truck accident firms.

18-wheeler collision cases are complicated

Because 18-wheelers, vehicle collisions, and medical injuries are complex, so is truck accident litigation. These cases involve complex concepts in physics, chemistry, federal trucking regulations, biology, medicine, driving standards, and economics. When an 18-wheeler collision claim goes to trial, accident victims must prove their case to a jury by explaining what happened using these complex scientific and industry-specific theories and principles.

The trucking industry's ins and outs, the science underlying truck wrecks, and the best negotiation and trial methods have all been learned over the course of our trucking accident team's more than 60 years of experience at Manley Law Personal Injury Attorneys. What is the only We've built a team that understands how to use field experts, graphics, witnesses, and technology to explain why victims like you deserve compensation?

It takes a lot of resources to get the rewards you deserve

Trucking and insurance companies have a lot of money and human resources, which they use to pressure accident victims to settle for less than they deserve. To fight for the reward you are entitled to in an 18-wheeler accident, you will need to match the extensive resources of trucking and insurance companies to hire experts to advise and counsel at trial. Can testify. More advanced methods of using technologies to prove your case to a jury.

Why Choose Personal Injury Lawyers in Manly Law?

Personal Injury Lawyers in Scranton, PA Many law firms claim to handle truck accident cases, but few can claim the experience and knowledge necessary to represent a truck accident victim successfully. Is. An attorney with a track record of success with major trucking companies and an in-depth understanding of trucking industry regulations, technology, insurance, and practices should only handle commercial truck and large 18-wheeler accidents.

This type of experience and an impressive track record makes Manley Law Personal Injury Attorneys one of the nation's top 18-wheeler accident law firms. Our attorneys have earned national recognition as the top truck accident attorneys in the legal profession. We are the only law firm in the United States with two attorneys who have served as Chairs of the American Association for Justice's Truck Litigation Group. Marion Manley and Daniel Manley are a select few attorneys who have earned board certification as truck accident lawyers from the National Trial Advocacy Board. Our 18-wheeler and tractor-trailer accident attorneys get the unparalleled results our clients deserve.

The stakes are high when you're involved in an accident with an eighteen-wheeler. You may face huge medical bills, physical pain, and an uncertain future. You've never faced a big lawsuit before, but trucking companies have: they have teams of people who work to minimize or deny your claim outright. We will not let that happen. Let's take it from here.

Why is an 18-wheeler accident more dangerous than a car accident?

They carry heavy loads: An 18-wheeler weighs 80,000 pounds, which is 400 tons. To put that number in perspective, the average car weighs about 2,700 pounds, just over 1 ton. This means that 18-wheelers are 400 times heavier than the cars they share the road with, and when 18-wheelers collide with other motor vehicles, their excess weight is often severe. Injured causes incredible and tragic damage to property.

They are the largest vehicles on the road: 18-wheelers can be 176 feet long and have four trailers! That means the 18-wheeler driving next to you on the highway is longer than half a football field and ten times longer than the average car. This tremendous length makes it difficult for drivers to avoid accidents while navigating sharp road curves, turns, merges, highway exits, and narrow streets. Its huge size also increases the risk of reckless driving on the road. An 18-wheeler traveling at 70 mph has twice the energy of an 18-wheeler traveling at 50 mph.

They require a lot of time and space to stop: The time it takes an 18-wheeler to slow down or come to a complete stop is about 40% longer than that of a car. Many motor vehicle operators who drive behind 18-wheelers need to realize how much space they need to leave between their car and the large truck in front of them.

They have big blind spots: Unlike sedans, hatchbacks, SUVs, minivans, or pickup trucks, 18-wheelers don't have a rear window. So 18-wheel truck drivers must rely on their rear-view mirror to see what's behind them, but given the large size of the truck and trailer, there are huge blind spots.

18 Frequently Asked Questions in Wheeler Accident Cases

Q: What are the common causes of 18-wheeler accidents?

A: One of your truck accident attorney's top priorities will be determining what factors and behaviors caused your accident. 18-wheeler accidents for a variety of reasons, including:

Overloaded or Improperly Loaded Trailers: It is the responsibility of shippers to ensure that cargo is properly secured. If cargo is not secured, items can fall off the trailer during transport, hit vehicles, and cause accidents. Also, if the 18-wheeler is overloaded, the truck will not balance properly. All it takes is one sharp turn, and the truck can tip over onto the road.

Tired Driving: Truck drivers have deadlines to meet. They also have strict regulations called hours of service. These regulations are in place so that truck drivers cannot drive while tired, which can lead to falling asleep at the wheel and causing an accident. Unfortunately, many of these drivers are under pressure from the trucking company to meet unrealistic deadlines and will ignore the regulation, leading to tiresome driving.

Under the influence of drugs or alcohol: Drunk driving is illegal and especially dangerous for people who drive 18-wheelers. They need to be alert at all times while driving. However, even just one drink can slow your reaction time. Combine that with the extra time it takes to bring a large truck to a complete stop, and the results can be catastrophic.

Distracted Driving: Truckers spend hours alone behind the wheel, looking at nothing but the road. They can be easily distracted by their cell phone, eating, using a navigation system, or playing on the radio.

Speeding: Taking a corner too fast or coming to a sudden stop after going too fast in an 18-wheeler can cause the truck to sink into the road. This means that the front of the truck will stop, but the trailer will continue behind the vehicle, carrying any cars.

Adverse Weather: Snow, sleet, fog, and rain can make visibility and road conditions difficult for any vehicle. Although truck drivers may think they are at low risk from bad weather conditions, accidents happen regularly.

Failure to perform required inspection and maintenance: The truck owner is responsible for regularly performing maintenance and inspection of the 18-wheeler for any problems. However, many owners need to pay more attention to regular inspections. This can cause wear and tear, such as flat tires and broken brakes. Also, if something is wrongly installed on the truck, for example, the wrong type of tire, those responsible for maintaining the vehicle can be held liable.

Manufacturing Defects: Sometimes, an accident is caused not by the driver but by the manufacturer of the truck. Vehicle defects are common causes of any traffic accident. The manufacturer can be held liable when a vehicle has a manufacturing defect that results in an accident.

To determine the exact cause (and hold all negligent parties responsible for your damages), our 18-wheeler accident attorney will work with the best experts and conduct a thorough investigation.

You are the justice you deserve, so choose carefully

Pittsburgh Car Accident Attorneys Because we've been handling eighteen-wheeler cases for decades, our experience and knowledge are unmatched. We have what it takes to achieve maximum recovery.

Manly Law, Personal Injury Attorneys, is a family law firm. We approach your truck accident case with the full force of our entire team and work together to achieve the best possible outcome. In addition to representing you in negotiations and court, we will be your resource to guide you through this difficult time.

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