State, politics and government

State, politics and government

He has handed over control to the IMF and other international institutions. They have no plan for improvement and no plan to get out of this situation. They are running the economy only to the extent that they can blame the current catastrophe not on their own but on the account of the previous government. For the first time in history, there may be a shortage of resources.

The rate at which India is increasing its defense budget can be offset by its GDP growth rate, but due to the stagnation and even decline of our GDP growth, our state has allocated resources for defense at the same rate as before. Will not be able to.

The other major problem is that the time has come for a bold but wise decision regarding China and the United States. The United States was already angry with Pakistan but only needed it because of the presence of its forces in Afghanistan. Poverty is over, but China has set its next target.

US Republicans and Democrats are on the same page when it comes to China's target numbers. In this regard, it has declared India as its number one ally and favorite. Two months ago, it launched its B3W project in response to China's BRI plan, allying itself with G7 and NATO. Pakistan will also become the battlefield of US and China.

On the other hand, Imran Khan's government has made China somewhat angry and suspicious in the last three years. Work on C-Pack has virtually stopped. China is just spending time with the current setup. Meanwhile, the Establishment had entrusted the task of convincing China to Imran Khan and had taken the responsibility of convincing the United States itself.

Imran Khan did not restore China's confidence, but in this cycle he made such inverted statements in favor of the Taliban or Osama bin Laden, etc., which made it difficult for the Establishment to please the United States. In this context, it will be a difficult and far-reaching decision in Pakistan's diplomatic history that will play a key role in the future of this state. Now obviously this difficult decision can be made by Imran Khan's government and this decision cannot be left to him.

The third difficult decision relates to India. The current state of affairs in Pakistan requires that the state make geostrategic to geo-economics its priority. Obviously, the first issue is India.

The tragedy is that the current setup has given India a chance to consume occupied Kashmir by relying on the latest Donald Trump and relying on Narendra Modi. In Nawaz Sharif's hostility, Imran himself Khan and those who brought him also played a big role.

Thus, the situation in the economy and the region demands that bold decisions be taken regarding relations with India and obviously this decision can never be made by Imran Khan's government. On the contrary, if the Establishment tries to pave any way in this regard, then Imran Khan, who is under personal siege, can sabotage it.

Imran Khan and the right wing people of our country were celebrating that the US withdrawal from Afghanistan has solved Pakistan's problems but those who know know that the matter has become serious for Pakistan. M

The Taliban's Afghanistan, which is on the brink of disaster, has now become a headache for Pakistan. Pakistan is also being questioned for their actions. The United States and Europe, Russia and China are not ready to recognize his government.

On the other hand, the issue of TTP is also becoming more and more complicated. On the one hand, the Afghan Taliban are not happy with Pakistan's attitude and on the other hand, they are not complying with Pakistan's demands for the formation of an all-party inclusive government.

Thus Afghanistan has now become an even bigger challenge for Pakistan which requires bold but prudent decisions and actions but these decisions can be made by Imran Khan's government and it does not understand it. Some chronic problems and faults of Pakistani state There are lines.

Such as Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan, tribal districts and Azad Kashmir etc. Issues of urban and rural Sindh in Sindh or issues of extremism and terrorism. These are all state issues but Imran Khan and his team probably have no interest in them.

Guess that it has been three weeks since the sit-in of thousands of men and women in Gwadar but now they have come and taken only verbal notice and we know that taking notice in such cases is limited to one tweet only. His government is only concerned with its own survival and internal politics.

Pakistan is a country where the rules and regulations of the game are not known and no analysis or prediction can be made about tomorrow but my guess is that to save the state now these difficult but inevitable decisions on external, economic and internal fronts. There is no other way left and obviously for these difficult decisions, one has to make some big and difficult decision on the political front as well. The rest is the will of those who run the will.

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