From primary education to population management

From primary education to population management

For the last two or three days, the nature has been "double dol" and I have used this word very thoughtfully. All the reports are fine but the nature is not good anyway. One of the benefits of this confusion is that the devotee becomes like a “Sufi Sufi” and spirituality begins to dominate the physicality. Economics, politics, ethics, etc., have been scrapped, and even in such a way that no scavenger would like to touch it, even though "scrap" is not a cheap thing, but when the market is down and cool, that's all. happens . Multidimensional decline is at its peak, so it is not difficult to know the cause and cause, because in a house where only one person is sick, the whole house becomes dilapidated and zero, while there are millions of patients. Doctors themselves are suffering from life-threatening diseases and this is probably what happened. In this country, society and contractors would not do anything, looting and massacre of merit would continue as it was, but if only the poor quality education was made one hundred percent more sure, the turn would never have reached here. The simple translation of technology "knowledge and skill" is neither knowledge nor skill here, I am not saying. That is what will happen there.

The sleep of the world is better than the worship of the ignorant

Knowledge is superior to lineage and title

And here the offices of the Vice Chancellors are not safe from vandalism and who is doing this? Student !

Khalid bin Ahmad Hakim Bukhara asked Hazrat Imam Bukhari to come to my sons and teach them the sciences of Hadith and History. He said, "Send them to Madrasa. "Well, when my children come to study, no other student is there. I cannot humiliate my children by sitting with the children of the common people, ”said the Imam.

Every teacher here is teaching tuition. Tennyson had said, "The more the burden of knowledge grows on you, the lighter you will begin to feel." There are as many problems as there are populations here but the "solution" is only between the two. The first is world class primary education, the other is population management, the rest is crying between these two problems and the end of misfortune is that No one even considers it necessary to discuss these two issues.

The standard of schooling for low-income children is very low, so think about what will be the overwhelming majority of the breed and crop that is being produced? Because those who have relatively good education, environment have many options from abroad to personal business, then who will run this most difficult country? If class distances in society are further affected, will our collective face not be further distorted? From the teachers of government type schools to the curriculum and environment, the condition is worse than pitiable. Has arrived, then basically "finishing touches" are left. Then at a certain stage who decides which child to go to which place. For pure science subjects and social sciences. Which one to choose and what kind of skills will suit which child and so on. Everything is a matter of speculation, swimming, blindness and short in the dark, the results of which are graffiti. The subject is not mine at all, but there are different models in the world. From Europe to America and Japan to honey-sweet China. Put up models of Tak and come up with some kind of curriculum and education system but no, these thirty Mar Khans will keep on killing flies that this is the training from generation to generation.

On the other hand, the plague of the population is under snowballing. Attitude is also applied to everything from worship to food, but here is the world of strange horror and indifference that 24.25 crores are not being taken care of by anyone, when that is 24,25. If the crore reaches 40.45 crore, what will be the scene here?

Society has already become a battleground for Buzkashi. If we do not pay attention to Malthus's Theory of Population from above, the number of hungry unemployed and victims of ignorance has doubled and tripled. Will he be able to handle the ugly situation?

It is said over and over again that think on these two topics or else know that the todi (straw bale) is about to open and as soon as it opens, when the red wind blows, no one will be able to wrap up this scattered pile of fine straw. ۔

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