Personal Injury Lawyers in San Antonio

Personal Injury Lawyers in San Antonio

Personal Injury Lawyers in San Antonio

Our accident lawyers are fiercely committed to pursuing justice for those who have suffered unjustified injuries. We are committed advocates in the courts with more than 20 years of experience and a solid track record. Nothing is more crucial than assisting you in pursuing your legal options following an injury, and our team of San Antonio personal injury lawyers is here to assist you. You should concentrate on your recovery; we'll handle the rest.

Why The Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo is the Right Choice for You

  • We are committed to the highest ethical standards.
  • Real personal injury victims and their families, not corporations, are what we are committed to representing.
  • We provide prospective clients with a totally free case evaluation.
  • We only require upfront legal fees or charges once we have obtained a recovery for you.


  • Cases we represent.
  • Establishment of negligence
  • Statute of Limitations
  • Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer
  • Costs of hiring a lawyer
  • Damages You Can Fix

Get the help you need - request your free consultation now.

At the Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo, LLP, we provide elite counsel and skilled representation to ensure you get the compensation you need to recover. Our sympathetic San Antonio personal injury lawyers are here to help you during this trying time.

Types of Cases in San Antonio, Texas

If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, we encourage you to speak up and share your story with us. Medical expenses may increase. Property damage can be expensive. You may even be prevented from working due to extensive injuries. With legal representation, you could be protected from jeopardizing your right to financial recovery, which can be used to help pay for all these things and more! Our law firm handles a wide variety of personal injury cases, including, but not limited to:

  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Injuries and accidents in the oil fields
  • Wrongful death
  • Premises Liability
  • Medical negligence
  • Work accident
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Pharmaceutical drugs
  • Xarelto settlement

Work with a legal team of skilled personal injury attorneys who can assist you in obtaining maximum compensation for accidents that have a lasting impact on your life. Justice is important to us, and we are prepared to go above and beyond to make sure that our clients receive just results.

Do I have a case?

Personal injury law allows a victim of another person's negligence to seek financial compensation for loss or damage. Pursuing compensation through a personal injury claim involves identifying the at-fault party (the defendant), filing the injury claim in court within the limits of Texas law, and proving that the defendant was at fault for the individual's injuries. The likelihood that a victim will be successful in their injury claim can be greatly increased by hiring San Antonio personal injury lawyers.

What is negligence?

Negligence is at the heart of most personal injury cases. Parties are required by law to meet certain standards of care. Negligence refers to failure to follow standards that result in injury, death, or property damage to others. Any act or omission that does not meet the level of care that a reasonable and prudent party would have exercised under similar circumstances is negligence. You or your accident lawyer might need to demonstrate negligence in San Antonio in order to be compensated for your injuries.

  1. The defendant owed you a duty of care. The defendant owes you a duty of care given the circumstances of your accident. For example, in a doctor-patient relationship, your doctor will owe you certain standards of care.
  1. The defendant failed in this duty. The defendant must be guilty of some breach of duty, such as a negligent act or omission, with evidence of the breach to be shown to a judge or jury.
  1. The defendant hurt you. The damages you're suing for must have been directly caused by the defendant's negligence. In other words, if the defendant's duty hadn't been violated, you wouldn't be compensated for your losses.

If your claim satisfies the strict liability requirements, you won't need to demonstrate negligence. According to strict liability, the defendant is liable for your injuries even if they were not their fault. In Texas, some incidents, such as those involving product liability claims, necessitate a stricter theory of liability. Your burden of proof would not include negligence if a defective product was to blame for your injuries.

What is the time limit for filing a personal injury claim in Texas?

Only if you adhere to the state's strict statute of limitations will your Texas injury claim be considered legitimate. The statute of limitations for various types of claims is set by the specific laws of each state. The statute of limitations is taken very seriously by Texas courts; if you file after it has passed, you risk losing your right to any compensation you might have otherwise been entitled to.

What took place? Always get in touch with a lawyer as soon as you can to make sure you meet the deadline. The Texas personal injury statute of limitations typically lasts two years from the accident date. If you only file a claim for property damage, the same deadline still applies. You have two years from the date of the death of your loved one to file a wrongful death lawsuit in San Antonio, Texas. The discovery rule is a significant exception.

If you discover your injuries some date after the accident, the clock will start ticking once you discover them. The legal team at Maloney & Campolo can help you determine your specific lawsuit filing deadline.

Do I need a personal injury attorney?

An attorney who can help ensure a full and fair recovery after a serious accident, such as a car accident, will go the extra mile to obtain a positive outcome on your behalf. Unlike an insurance company, our trial attorneys work for you and aim to obtain justice and compensation for accident victims through aggressive legal services.

If the defendant broke the law (for instance, by driving while intoxicated and causing an accident or engaging in violent behavior), you were negligent, or you sustained permanent or severe injuries. Imagine you lost a loved one as a result of these severe injuries, which require legal counsel. Regardless of what transpired, however, retaining a San Antonio personal injury lawyer can help your case.

How we can help you with your injury case.

The Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo, LLP's San Antonio trial lawyers can assist with each stage of the claims procedure. Our legal team will look into your accident, go back to the scene, collect evidence, and put together a case on your behalf. To get the best settlement, we might compete with the Defendants and Insurance Companies. The evidence against the defendant will be prepared and presented to a judge or jury by our accident attorneys to assist you in your injury case. While you concentrate on your health, we will take care of all legal matters.

How Much Does a San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer Charge?

We are aware that your family is already struggling financially as a result of your treatment, medical bills, lost wages, and rehabilitation expenses. We are not here to increase your financial burden; we are here to help you with your situation. We provide attorneys on a contingency basis. You only have to pay a dime if we successfully recover damages for you.

You won't have to pay anything upfront or out of pocket if we win your case. Instead, we take our service charge directly out of the sum of your judgment or settlement. Our law firm typically collects one-third, or 33%, of the compensation amount. However, our fees may vary based on the specifics of your case.

What damages can I recover?

Economic and noneconomic damages

A successful San Antonio personal injury claim can provide financial compensation for all damages related to your accident. Texas law allows injured victims to recover both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages refer to general damages, such as medical bills and lost wages, while noneconomic damages are specific to individual victims. Damages that can be recovered after your accident include:

  • Treatment expenses. All medical costs associated with the accident, including prescription drugs, doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, treatments, and medical care.
  • Loss of income and earning capacity. Lost wages from time lost from work, as well as loss of future earning capacity due to temporary or permanent disability.
  • Pain and suffering. Physical suffering from the past and the future, including emotional pain, mental anguish, psychological trauma, and a reduction in life's quality or enjoyment.
  • Property damage. Total vehicle repairs or replacements may be necessary. Dog bites and other animal attacks may also result in property damage.

In some personal injury cases, the victim will also receive punitive damages. These additional damages are meant to punish the defendant for willful misconduct or willful gross negligence. For a valuation of your particular case, speak with a San Antonio injury lawyer.

What to do after being injured in an accident?

After an accident in San Antonio, don't let anyone take advantage of you. Only a select few will support you or have your best interests in mind. For example, the at-fault party and their insurance company may want to minimize your payout. Protect yourself by contacting a San Antonio car accident attorney and discussing your legal options immediately.

  • Do not plead guilty.
  • Call 911 or report your accident to other authorities.
  • Gather information about your accident and the people involved.
  • Gather any available evidence of the crime.
  • Take pictures of the accident scene.
  • Go to the hospital.
  • File an insurance claim.
  • Cooperate with investigations.
  • Ask for copies of your medical records and police reports.
  • Hire a lawyer.

After an accident, you must take care of your physical and emotional well-being, calculate your damages, determine the compensation you should receive, and learn as much as possible about your accident. Our law firm can help you with these legal processes and other steps necessary to file a personal injury claim in San Antonio. No matter where you are in the claims process, contact us for help.

Contact us for a free case consultation in San Antonio, Texas.

If you have experienced a catastrophic injury in the San Antonio or Dallas-Fort Worth region, the law offices of Maloney & Campolo, LLP are available to assist you. Our personal injury lawyers in San Antonio can review your legal options, look into your most recent accident, and support you in your fight for just restitution from the responsible party or parties. At our neighborhood law office, begin your case with a free initial consultation. To make an appointment, get in touch with us online. Clients from all over Bexar County are served by our law firm.

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