Our education system and Allama Iqbal

 Our education system and Allama Iqbal

At present there will be around one and a half lakh teachers in Punjab. The salary of a PTC teacher also starts from about 28 thousand. The focus shifts from education to employment. This is the class that builds the foundations for children. But those who live in peace live their lives. The early education and development of our children is entrusted to these teachers but unfortunately we did not give the teachers the place they deserved. Maybe there were our own weaknesses behind it. While recommendation and bribery destroyed our other departments, our teachers also resisted it. What did the children do? They used to study at their own will Someone who became a patwari became a policeman. These children left stories wherever they went. Our recommended culture has not only corrupted the people but also destroyed the institutions. Today you can check the performance of any department. Let's just look at their number in corruption. I think our politicians have played a role in destroying this whole system. Even today, our advocacy culture is so strong and enduring that At present junior teachers are appointed as heads in various government schools in Lahore who have no interest in school nor do they have any role in any matter of children. It is interesting to note that in nine districts of Punjab, the posts of Director Elementary and Secondary have been in place since 2016. Appointments of teachers are also made on these seats but they do not come to the office nor their staff nor are they responsible for any work. This is the condition of those involved in education What is to be taught Allama Iqbal says that the teacher is the real protector of the nation because the next generation is entrusted with the task of beautifying them and enabling them to serve the country. The members of the committee said that if any of their writings are mentioned then Allama Iqbal pointed to himself and said that I am his work. This was the position and honor of the teacher. Later, the children used to tease this teacher in such a way that the respect of our spiritual father is hardly found in any other country. The teacher of government schools, in his childhood, the teacher seemed to be less executioner and because of his attitudes, children used to run away from us. There should be love and sincerity in our attitudes. There should be teachers who teach children morally as well as academically. Our prisons are full of criminals. Tolerance is gone. We become thirsty for each other's blood. Our teachers are also forced to not train their children the way they should

The staff above the working teacher is not allowed to stay and you and the clerks are blackmailed separately by the king and the one who is sitting or sitting on top of him as an incompetent and useless teacher head is showing his officer separately. Bodies are moving away from their destination and we cannot reach the destination of development until we find architects who strengthen our foundations. Even today there are teachers who sacrifice everything for their students and they The teacher is remembered by the people all his life. Is that school, that bench and that bench fellow also remembered by the people all his life? The idea was that he never went to the airport to receive a person for the rest of his life, but his habit was broken when he received Indian President Shankar Dayal Sharma at the airport. Government members and officials were shocked and upset. Even for the journalists, all this was a unique and surprising surprise. Sultan Qaboos Indian Before getting up from the chair in his plane, he hugged her and got down from the plane with his hands clasped. When he got close to the car, he told the driver to get out. He sat down and drove the guest to his palace. Later, when the journalists asked Sultan about the reason, he replied that he had never gone to the airport to receive the President of India. That I was educated in a school in Poona, India as a child and Mr. Shankar Dayal Sharma was my teacher at that time and he told me how to live life and how to face difficulties and hardships I have to face it and to this day I try my best to put into practice what I have learned and learned from them. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin had seen his teacher in the crowd. She was crying. We are also in need of such a teacher who can make us a champion of character as well as a champion of ideas. In this regard, the government is trying to change the old and outdated education system so that Let the generation come to the right path.

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